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A few weeks ago, for the first time in Israel, tailor-made treatment was performed in a 6-month-old infant who suffered from a life-threatening viral infection following bone marrow transplantation; the infant totally recoveredRead more...
Marathon surgeries were conducted at Schneider Children's to correct complex colon disorders, led by Dr. Inbal Samuk, and together with world-renowned surgeon, Dr. Mark Levitt, from Washington Children's HospitalRead more...
An invitation to the First Abraham's Children Conference was presented to the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi as a gift from the President of the State of Israel, Yitzhak Herzog, during his recent presidential visit to the UAERead more...
After years of anticipation, the artificial pancreas system made by Medtronic comprising technology developed at Schneider Children's, in cooperation with DreaMed Diabetes, has been included in the 2022 health basketRead more...
Arpeh Huamada, a 16½-year-old soccer player from Beer Sheba, underwent an emergency implant of an artificial heart at Schneider Children's which saved his lifeRead more...
Shai Hillel Peretz weighed just 4kg before undergoing a life-saving liver transplantationRead more...
Schneider Children's summarized the demanding year of 2021 with medical successes, life-saving surgeries, progress in research and care of children suffering from post-corona symptoms, and plans ahead for another challenging year in 2022Read more...
Schneider Children's is the first pediatric hospital in Israel and the world to be outfitted with the Holoscope-i System revolutionizing medical imaging studiesRead more...
Faraz, 22, from Jordan, who suffered from Cystic Fibrosis (CF), received medication that saved his lifeRead more...
An evening gala event to mark the 30th anniversary of Schneider Children's Medical Center, in cooperation with Friends of Schneider Children's and Our Children's Organization, took place on December 13, 2021 at the Hilton Hotel in Tel AvivRead more...
A neurosurgical operation to treat areas in the brain that cause seizures was performed at Schneider Children's on a young girl suffering from epilepsy. The complex surgery took about 4 hours and done for the first time at the hospital during which the patient was completely awakeRead more...
The Ben Gurion Award for 2021 was presented to the CEO of Schneider Children's, Dr. Efrat Bron-Harlev, among 10 recipients who have made extraordinary contributions to the community and humanity in various fieldsRead more...
Successful surgery was conducted in a 6-week-old infant to repair a rare and life-threatening congenital defect of the diaphragmRead more...
Specialists at Schneider Children’s offer tips about enjoying the upcoming Festival of Channukah safely and carefully and without gaining weightRead more...
A blood test can predict the risk of developing Diabetes Type I in the future in 85% of cases at diagnosis, and thus prevent severe morbidity and hospitalizationsRead more...
Children aged 6-11 are invited to take part in a new study regarding personalized nutrition for children. The study follows a similar one conducted in adults at the Weizmann InstituteRead more...
Schneider Children's hosted diplomatic representatives of Asian countries to IsraelRead more...
The management of Schneider Children's has announced a new appointment at the hospital: Dr. Yelena Tzeitlin is the new Director of the Surgical Suite and the Anesthesia DepartmentRead more...
Schneider Children's summarizes the Jewish year of 5781 as a year of productivity, clinical and research successes alongside coping with corona and days of violenceRead more...
As part of a joint collaboration between Schneider Children's and the Foreign Ministry, hundreds of diplomats from all over the world received their booster vaccination at the hospital.Read more...
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