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Diplomatic Vaccinations

As part of a joint collaboration between Schneider Children's and the Foreign Ministry, hundreds of diplomats from all over the world received their booster vaccination at the hospital.
Date: 02.09.21 | Update: 09.09.21

LTR: Indian Ambassador Sanjeev Singla receives his vaccination and French Ambassador Eric Danon with Dr. Efrat Bron-Harlev


On September 1st, Schneider Children's hosted ambassadors to Israel from all over the world. The ambassadors, their families and embassy employees, all foreign residents, visited Schneider Children's expressly to receive their booster vaccination, as a result of a dual initiative of the hospital and the Foreign Ministry.

Among the distinguished guests to receive their third vaccination was Ambassador Eric Danon of France, Ambassador Sanjeev Singla of India and Ambassador Neil Wigan from the UK.

Dr. Efrat Bron-Harlev, CEO of Schneider Children's, met with the ambassadors and invited them on a special tour of the hospital. She stated that "it was a huge honor to host hundreds of diplomats from around the world 'in our own backyard', and to assist in the vaccination operation and show them, in all languages, in all outfits, and in all cultures, the one and only hospital of its kind for children from all over the world."




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